It was a great Summer with our SYEP (Summer Youth Employment Program for the City of Seattle) Intern Jerissa Cowles! This Fall she becomes a senior @ Garfield HS also earning college credits @ SCCC thru "Running Start". This Summer we focused not only on secretarial work and of course- janitorial duties:-) but we also had her take over our Social Media and spice it up a bit! If there is anyone who would know how to do that—it definitely would be a TEENAGER!
She created daily posts on events, services, and other salon related info throughout all our Social Media avenues: Facebook (We Love Texture), Instagram (Welovetexture), Youtube channel which she created (TEXTURE SALON) and our Twitter (texturesalon). All the videos created in the last 2 months were her designs and music choices. Her main project was to create an event for Teens to attend and she came up with “Young Entrepreneurs: Beauty of Business”. She invited her friends who were interested in the Beauty industry and how to start their own businesses. Miss Sable Desiree who is a independent MUA and a MU Instructor @ TINT School downtown Seattle was one the guests speakers who talked about her entrepreneur journey and success tips!
We are so happy to be the first salon in the 50yrs of SYEP and a continued relationship from this Summer on! Most of all- we loved having Jerissa as a part of our team. We treated her to a Hydra-Facial from LIFTED SPA for fresh, clean skin to start the new school year.
Thank you Jerissa!!!
